Monday, September 19, 2011

Minecraft The Void, Duh, Duh, Duh!

The Void, as seen from the
top of the Nether
"What's da void?" some guy said. And I said the hole in the bottom of the world, and the top. How do I you get there? It's very hard, nearly impossible. But with 1.8 Creative Mode getting to it is so much easier!

in order of easiest to most challenging

1. Go to Creative mode and mine straight down and
smash Bedrock and you will fall into the void!

2. Use mods that will let you break bedrock or let you teleport past bedrock.

3. Go to Bedrock level and mine til you drop! You may find a natural hole in Bedrock.

If there is more ways leave a comment!

                                                                              In the void,
A Picture of the void

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Cool Texture Pack! x16-x512!

I found a cool texture pack, called Purecraft. It's like a Comic Book. There is some blood on the Zombies, but it's not that bad. Here's the download link. Have fun exploring the new Textured world!

Pure Craft

I found Diamonds!

Yesterday something amazing happened! Yes! Pigs did fly! Wait... No that's not it. Oh yah, I FOUND DIAMONDS BABY! Don't Belive me? Well the proof is below. I found 6 Diamonds. I haven't made anything with the diamonds yet. And they were quite close to lava. This is for all you Diamond Finders and Miners, MINE ON!
(I'm Using a Texture Pack) Diamonds! Oh Yes!
(Texture Pack is Pure Craft)


I was looking at my screenshots and I was renaming them. And I had like 15 Endermen Pics. So, you can use them as backgrounds or on your own blogs or whatever, just give credit. If you forget I don't care, just don't call them your own. Well here they go.

Saturday, September 17, 2011


A Giant Brown and Red Mushroom
What do you get if you put bonemeal on a mushroom? Well originaly, fat old nothing, but, with 1.8 out they'll turn into a Giant Mushroom! How awesome! If you destroy Giant Mushroom Blocks you have a chance of getting 1 or 2 Small Mushrooms of it's color, making a great supply for Mushroom Stew, which heals 4 Food Points, BUT they cannot be stacked :( Still this is a great way to gut your hunger meter up very fast as for you only need 3 bowls to to have full hunger points. So, Find a red and brown mushroom, kill skeleton, get bonemeal, and make Giant Mushrooms!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Endermen don't drop Diamonds :(

I was playing in 1.8 Pre-Release and I killed an Enderman (Alot easier and Alot less scary than I thought) And he dropped an Ender Pearl. Ender Pearls make it that Endermen will not turn hostile by staring at them from a far distance. I guess no Diamonds :( But oh well. Guess you will have to get 'em the hard way. I also got some Snapshots of Endermen if you wanna see them. Also they open their moults when they are hostile. They are awesome :)
Me bravely staring at an Enderman
Me staring at an Enderman,
And a creeper coming at
me :|

Monday, September 5, 2011

Minecraft- New Mob, Blue spider?

Recently I heard of a new mob that will possibly come out in 1.8. They only spawn in a new thing that appears underground known as an abandoned mine. They are smaller than normal Spiders and will poison you on attack. When you are poisoned your Health will turn Yellow.

As Smokey Says, Only you can prevent forest fire

Boo-Yah! I just crafted a Flint and Steel! Now I just right-click this tree, and, oh no. OH NOES! I JUST CAUSED A FOREST FIRE. Forest fires are bad, so much valuable wood wasted. Be very careful with flint and steel.


I made a page of Minecraft Achievements! So go ahead! Have fun!

Survivor------ Survive a whole day and night without a death
Combat Newbie------ Defeat 10 Mobs
Combat Rookie------ Defeat 50 Mobs
Combat Commander----Defeat 500 Mobs
Combat General----Defeat 1000 Mobs
Warlord------Defeat 5000 Mobs
Miner-------Go mining
For some Torches!-----Mine coal
Make a pretty pick------Mine Iron
Pretty Dye------Mine Lapis Lazuli
So pretty-------Mine Gold
I AM THE HAPPIEST MAN ALIVE!------Mine diamonds
Aww that sucks-------- Die :P
Whee...! Squash------- Die from a fall
I H8 Pigs--------Kill a pig
Your wool is mine!---- Kill a sheep
I am shiny!--------Wear a full set of Diamond armour
Butter Boots-------Wear a pair of gold boots
Hi I squish you-----Meet a Slime!
Thatssssss a nice housssse----------Meet a Creeper
I shoot arrows----------Meet a Skeleton
Brains...---------Meet a Zombie
Twang+Hiss=Achievement!----Meet a Spider Jockey
Rude Awakening----- Sleep and get Disturbed by a mob
Fight! Fight! Fight!---- Make 2 or more mobs fight each other
Do you believe in Ghosts? 'Cause I believe in Ghasts-----------Meet a Ghast
I'm sorry for hitting you! Now stop Killing me!--------Hit a Zombie Pigman
Random Tower-------Build a Random Tower of any block
Falling from the Random Tower------Fall from a/the random tower you made
Sand castle------ Build a Sand Castle
Can't See------Be in complete darkness
What's green and cracked?------Find a Dungeon
A big tool---------Build a big tool
I am so lost!---------- Make a map
I can store things------Make a chest
Yum!-------Cook some pork
OMG OMG OMG----Fall into the void >:D
Burning Burning oh I am Burni- Death--------Die of Fire
Have a taste of your own medicine!------Kill a Skeleton with a Bow
Facepunch-------Facepunch a Mob (Punch face)
Ok, I spawned there------Make a compass
My clock shows Sun and Moon---------Make a Clock
Boing Boing Boing-------------Jump 500 Times
Boing Boing Boing +-----------Jump 5000 Times
Now I can Read!--------Craft a book
I give them hugs!--------Hug a Creeper
I hug them too!---------Hug a Zombie
I hug them all!-----------Hug all mobs
A flower----------Find a Flower
But I didn't carve the Pumpkins--------Find a Pumpkin
Take a lava bath-------Take a lava bath
Take a bath--------Take a bath
I will NEVER BLOW UP HA HA HA HA HA!---------Find Obsidian

Enjoy the Achivements! Print This page and Cross out achivements you beat.

Minecraft- It's a Trap, A DISPENSER TRAP!

I just want to teach you all a little trick. First you will need the following.

About 576 arrows, for filling the Dispenser

An example of a well made Dispenser

1 Dispenser

1 Button, Switch, or Pressure Plate

1 Sign (Optional)

Now follow these steps

1. Place Dispenser somewhere

2. Place a Button, Switch, or Pressure Plate near the Dispenser

3. Fill the Dispenser with Arrows

4. Put a sign saying that there is something good in it (Diamonds, Diamond Blocks, or my favorite, CAKE!)

5. Wait for a someone to get Pwn'd!

Minecraft- Pigman, ON EARTH?!?

The Pig I struck turned to this!

Yet again I was fooling around with Lighting Knives (Aether Mod) and I struck a Pig and that little piggy turned into a Zombie Pigman :O They only fight you if you hit them
so don't hit them unless you wanna
get fought.

Minecraft- And we thought normal Creepers were bad!

The other day I was fooling around with lightning knives (Aether Mod) and I threw a lightning knife at a creeper and an odd blue aura of blue lightning surrounded him. A Charged Creeper explosion is bigger
Sorry if it's hard to see but
this is a Creeper struck by
and stronger. Be careful when fighting
them cause in about 3 second they
can end your life, so either run or
fire at them with arrows just
be careful.
The site of A charged Creeper

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Minecraft The spider jockey attack!

I was playing on Minecraft on a world which I kept dying on because I fooled around blowing up stuff and such. Then night fell. O_O oh no! I fell in a hole (TNT) and then a Skeleton fell in and kept killing me he killed me about 7 times. And then a Spider joined the fun, OF KILLING ME D:< eventually I ran. I ran through about 7 Creepers (Yes I died multiple times) and then Mr. Spider Jockey wanted to kill me also |:( and just to let you know, this ALL happened on my FIRST NIGHT IN THAT WORLD. So yah, that was my WORST night, but the first time I saw a Spider Jockey on my first night.
A picture I took of Mr. Spider Jockey
and a Creeper, who killed the Spider Jockey,
but not me! :D

Thursday, September 1, 2011

MINECRAFT - Diamonds are good not bad ok?

I'm back what's up? Hmm? You're reading my blog? Ok. Well I wanted to tell you Minecraft Newbies a little tip while mining. If you see a light blue ore, congrats you found the rare and SO useful ore... Diamond. When you first find it your legs will become light, that didn't happen with you? Oh well it happened with me. Now it can only be mined with an Iron or Diamond pick so make sure you gots one of dem. When your done mining with your diamonds what are you gonna do now?

Diamonds! BOO YAH! (Made with Too
Many Items Mod)

Make a Diamond Sword, which does 5.5 damage to mobs.
Make a Diamond Pick which has around 1.5K uses
Make some Diamond Blocks and build a cool house or fort
Be a complete moron and burn them in lava

It's your choice just be careful with them ok? Nah do what you want.
Lapis Lazuli, Fools Diamonds