Thursday, September 1, 2011

MINECRAFT - Diamonds are good not bad ok?

I'm back what's up? Hmm? You're reading my blog? Ok. Well I wanted to tell you Minecraft Newbies a little tip while mining. If you see a light blue ore, congrats you found the rare and SO useful ore... Diamond. When you first find it your legs will become light, that didn't happen with you? Oh well it happened with me. Now it can only be mined with an Iron or Diamond pick so make sure you gots one of dem. When your done mining with your diamonds what are you gonna do now?

Diamonds! BOO YAH! (Made with Too
Many Items Mod)

Make a Diamond Sword, which does 5.5 damage to mobs.
Make a Diamond Pick which has around 1.5K uses
Make some Diamond Blocks and build a cool house or fort
Be a complete moron and burn them in lava

It's your choice just be careful with them ok? Nah do what you want.
Lapis Lazuli, Fools Diamonds

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