Sunday, April 22, 2012


APP: Junk Jack
COST: $2.99

This is one nice app, it has graphics that sent me back in time. When I got this app and started playing it reminded me of two games, seriously, those two games popped in my head the second I began to play. Those two games are: Terraria and Minecraft. The Terraria part: It is 2-D and has the same quality of graphics and game play. The Minecraft part: Crafting. Yes it comes with basic crafting, smelting, and more. The app is worth 3 bucks and is loaded with achievements to complete and ores to mine and biomes to explore. I will probably give Info on how to survive your first night and more later. If you have 3 dollars and have no idea what to spend it on, GET JUNK JACK!!!

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