Sunday, April 22, 2012

Junk Jack 101 - Surviving the First Night

Welcome to Junk Jack 101! In this tutorial I will teach you how to survive your first night in Junk Jack.

TIME: Day Began: No time to waste! Now, first we need the basic tools: Sword, Pick, Axe, Shovel, and Hammer. Go punch down a tree, (Now doesn't THAT seem familiar) and get 30 pieces of wood.

Using the wood put it in the crafting table and create 10 Wooden Planks. Use the Craft book (Book at bottom of screen) to construct the tools.

TIME: Quarter of Day Left: Now it's time for a shelter, here you have 2 options. A cave house (A house dug into a hill/mountain) so find a nice sized mountain and dig 3 blocks in and then make it as big as you want. The second option is a real house which can be made of 3 things: Stone, Dirt, or Wood. For stone go mining for it, for dirt, well you know, dirt. And for wood make a 2X2 square of Wooden Planks or a 2X2 square of Regular Wood. TIP! If you are making a house out of something and your running out of blocks make a dirt outline then cover it with the blocks your using!

TIME: Almost Night!: How is the house? Is it lit up? Is it finished? Does it have a door? Well If it's not finished you have 2 options, Struggle through the night trying to finish your house while monsters invade like a man, or you could go to the main menu and turn Peaceful Mode on like a wimp (Just kidding, it's your first night go ahead and set it to peaceful)

There you go! Just stay indoors and don't go mob fighting (Unless you have a sword) and enjoy your first day!

Next up ------> HOW TO MINE!!! (coming soon!)

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