Saturday, December 24, 2011

Terraria - R.I.P. The Twins!

I defeated the twins! They are an advanced version of Eye of Cthulhu, except instead of summoning 1 eye, it summons 2! They each have a different life meter and powers and second forms, one has a green Iris and is named, Spazmatism who shoots cursed flames from his eye. Another one also joins the fight with a red Iris named Retinazer, who shoots lasers from his eye. Each of them have 24000 life points for a total of 48000 life. When one of them gets down to 12000 life they will change their form, get metal armor, and become more dangerous. Spazmatism second form is much like Eye of Cthulhu's second form, he becomes an eye with sharp teeth. Like EoC he charges at the player three times then stops to spew cursed fire which may cause the Cursed Inferno debuff. The Rerinazer second form makes him lose his pupil and iris and out comes a giant laser beam. He shoots rapid fire with death lasers. Here is a tip: DO NOT get both of The Twins to form two, this will cause the battle to get MUCH more difficult. Take them out one at a time.

Terraria - EXCALIBUR!

I made an Excalibur! If you didn't know it's the brand new strongest sword in the game! Let me tell you that it's not easy to get. You need a Cobalt Sword, a Mythril Sword, an Adamantite Sword, and 20 Soul of Might (You get these from The Destroyer, a MUCH harder form of Eater of Worlds) to craft the legendary blade! It can be swung by holding the attack button continuously, like the Cobalt Sword, or Muramasa. While swinging this blade you cannot turn the opposite direction, unless you stop swinging and turn around. Do you have what it takes to get this almighty blade?

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Terraria - The New ores!

In Terraria there are THREE NEW ORES! In order to get theese brand new and wonderful ores, you must defeat WALL OF FLESH to get a Pwnhammer and to get your world to HARDCORE! You need to smash a Demon Altar with Pwnhammer, then you'll you'll get the message "The World has Been Blessed with (Cobalt, Mithryl, or Adamantite)" then it will appear around the world.


Cobalt: Blue, can get mined with a molten pickaxe or better. The worst of the three ores

Mitryl: Green, can only be mined with a Cobalt Drill or Better

Adamantite: Red, can only be mined with a Mitryl Drill or Adamant Drill. The best of the three ores.

Theese ores make good armor and weapons. Can you find and mine theese ores?

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Minecraft More Achivements!


Ouch!-------Take a total of 50 damage
Injured!-----Take a total of 250 damage
I'm hurt!----Take a total of 1000 damage
Take that!--Deal a total of 50 damage
That left a mark---Deal a total of 500 damage
Doctor, we have many patients----Deal a total of 2500 damage
Who mined here?---Find and explore an abondoned mine shaft
Just the same, But toxic!---Find a Cave Spider
He has fallen!---Defeat an Enderman
Hunger...---Get your Hunger down to 7
Very Hungry---Get your Hunger down to 4
I can eat a whole Enderman---Get your hunger down to 0
I can fly!---Fly in Creative mode or with mods
Level up!---Level up
It's all I have...---Eat Rotten flesh from a Zombie
Cow drop steak!---Defeat a Cow and get some Beef
I'm... gonna... hurl...---Get Food Poisoining (Food Meter turns Green)
I can use it all!---Get some blocks in Creative Mode
Me spy!---Spy on any mob (Enderman Not recommended)
Did someone say GABCHAB? No. Ok---Pretend a creeper is called a Gabchab

Minecraft Chat Post!

You can chat in the comments about MINECRAFT!

Here's what you do,

TO: (Name)

Get it? Now you know what to do. Have fun Chatting! And no bad words ok?

Terraria Q & A that I made up :P

Q: Does Terraria have Blood?
A: Yes.

Q: Is Terraria fun?
A: Very

Q: What is the most challanging boss
A: I don't know. Probably Skeletron Prime, but I haven't fought him yet.

Q: What does WoF drop?
A: A Pwnhammer and some other good things.

Q: What is the Newest Biome
A: The Hallow and Courrupt Deserts

Q: Who is the easiest boss?
A: Eater of Worlds, if you have the right stuff.


Terraria - I made it to Hardmode!

I finally made it to Hardmode! When I defeated the Wall of Flesh (WoF) I got A Pwnhammer and a Buster Blade. Let me say that Hardmode is really Hard (Duh) it has new monsters, new bosses, The Corruption Spreads like Crazy! I made my house in a Hollow. Even though it seems like a playful Biome, it's actually dangerous. Remember those Unicorns? THEY ARE EVIL MAN HUNTERS! It's a challanging Biome, but it's also the only biome that won't get taken over by the Corruption (So either World Hollow or World Courruption) Another startegy, if you like your world as is may be to plant a hollow around the Courruption so it won't spread, but in the future The Hollow will eventually grow the other way. So what do you do? I don't know. Personally I'd rather live in a Hollow than a Corruption. The Hollow is pretty and has colorful trees and a peaceful soundtrack. The Corruption has harmful vines and monsters and stuff.

Terraria - THE WALL OF FLESH!!!

Oops, their goes my voodoo doll, it fell in lava. Well new you'r screwed if you don't have the right equiptment to defeat the WALL OF FLESH! If you don't understand the intro then if you throw a Guide Voodoo Doll in lava in the Underworld The wall of flesh will come! The wall of flesh has a whopping 8000 life points and has 3 weak points that you must attack if you want to hurt it. It's two fleshy eyes and it's mouth. It has quite a bit of attacks and such, like shooting LASERS FROM IT'S EYES!!! And Summoning leaches (They highly resemble a Giant Worm) also as soon as he appears, you get the status affect "Horrified" 'You've seen something nasty, their is no escape' So you either kill the wall of flesh or die. If you try to leave "The Tounge" will come, put you in front of the wall of flesh, the launch you away in a painful beating. If you teleport away with a Magic Mirror you just randomly die, with the death message "<NAME> tried to escape" Defeating him plunges your world into Hard Mode and you get a shiny new Pwnhammer and some other good thing! Do you have what it takes to defeat this menace?

Terraria - New Strongest Blade, THE EXCALIBUR!

A brand new strongest sword has taken Night's Edge's place, a very powerful sword known as THE EXCALIBUR! Like Muramasa you hold click and IT KEEPS SWINGING!!! It's crafted out of a Mithryl Sword, an Adamant sword, a Cobalt sword, and 20 soals of might (Get from The Destroyer) It does a whopping 54 Damage points! Are you up to the challange to get it?

Terraria - The Mechanic, The Tinkerer, and The Wizard

Do you want one, or all, of the three new NPC's? Can't figure out how to get them to move into a house because they won't even spawn? Well here is a little guide to help! The Goblin Tinkerer can be found tied up basicly anywhere as long as it's at or past the Underground layer. Talking to him will set him free. The Mechanic can be found tied up somewhere in the dungeon. The wizard can be found tied up underground somewhere. Having trouble freeing them? Here's a tip! Autopause has to be OFF in order to set them free, it can be turned off in the options of the main menu.

Terraria - New Lighting!

In Terraria their is a new lighting method! Instead of giving off the same color for everything, some things have new color! Example, Night's Edge gives off purple light when swung. This is really neat when you get to see them in action!

Terraria - Gravestones!

This origianlly was in Mediumcore characters, but now it's softcore too! In Terraria if you die a tombstone gets left were you die with whatever death message you get i.e. "Bob's plead for death was answered by Steve's Bowling Ball" will appear on your gravestone. You can pick up gravestones and write different messages on them like signs. You could put some in front of difficult areas as a warning to other player, or just throw them away. It's your choice.

Saturday, December 3, 2011


Terraria 1.1 came out on December First and it comes with a boatload of new features! Here are a few new features

    • Wall of Flesh - Spawns in Underworld when a Guide Voodoo Doll is thrown in lava, After defeating him your world goes to Hard mode.
    • Skeletron Prime - Only Spawns on Hard mode. Like normal skeletron, but robotic! And has 4 arms, and alot of health, and... Well you get the picture
    • The Destroyer - Advanced version of Eater of Worlds. Like Skeletron Prime, The Destroyer is also robotic. He only spawns on Hard Mode
    • The Twins - Advanced Version of Eye of Cthulu. It summons 2 eyes, one with a green iris and one with a red one. Only spawns on Hard Mode
    • The corruption now spreads to ANY biome, except for Hallow Biomes. It only spreads when the world is Hard Mode. Will you be able to stop the Corrupton?
    • Pwnhammer
    • Excaliber (New Strongest Sword!)
    • Megashark! (Minishark's older brother)
    • Etc...
    • Goblin Tinkerer - Can reforge your weapons to make them more powerful! Or worse...
    • Technician - Sells Wires and such to create devices and stuff!
    • Wizard - Sells Magic related Items!
    • Jump into the brand new Terraria and start a brand new adventure!