Sunday, December 4, 2011

Terraria - THE WALL OF FLESH!!!

Oops, their goes my voodoo doll, it fell in lava. Well new you'r screwed if you don't have the right equiptment to defeat the WALL OF FLESH! If you don't understand the intro then if you throw a Guide Voodoo Doll in lava in the Underworld The wall of flesh will come! The wall of flesh has a whopping 8000 life points and has 3 weak points that you must attack if you want to hurt it. It's two fleshy eyes and it's mouth. It has quite a bit of attacks and such, like shooting LASERS FROM IT'S EYES!!! And Summoning leaches (They highly resemble a Giant Worm) also as soon as he appears, you get the status affect "Horrified" 'You've seen something nasty, their is no escape' So you either kill the wall of flesh or die. If you try to leave "The Tounge" will come, put you in front of the wall of flesh, the launch you away in a painful beating. If you teleport away with a Magic Mirror you just randomly die, with the death message "<NAME> tried to escape" Defeating him plunges your world into Hard Mode and you get a shiny new Pwnhammer and some other good thing! Do you have what it takes to defeat this menace?

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